Humble Bundle Frozen Synapse
The Humble Bundle has released their newest Bundle. The Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle. Well Technically it isn’t a bundle since there is only one game, Frozen Synapse. But, if you…
...of musings and ramblings
The Humble Bundle has released their newest Bundle. The Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle. Well Technically it isn’t a bundle since there is only one game, Frozen Synapse. But, if you…
So I decided to spend my Ied bonus to beef up my PC audio setup. To do this, I need: At least 5.1 capable sound card. Since I’m going to…
So one day, my Windows 7 VM failed to boot, and the virtualbox console throw me this error: Start tag expected, '<' not found. Location: '/home/ikhsan/VirtualBox VMs/itiay-win7/itiay-win7.vbox', line 1 (0),…
This is fairly a simple task. First, on your grub screen, locate the entry that you want to setup as the default choice. In my case, it was my Maverick…
Ah yes, new header image featuring the sleek Razer Orochi. Check out all of my previous header image here.
So I screwed up my maverick install, and had to start from scratch. The problem is, I didn’t have the CD (and the .ISO file) with me, and due to…
Humble Indie Bundle #3 is alive. Get yours today!
Need to modify the maximum size of incoming messages for 100 users in Exchange? Well AdModify is your friend. AdModify lets you search for certain type of users using LDAP…