The DA35AL was released a couple years a go as a companion to the colorful Pentax K-r, thus for limited time, it was available in almost any color you can think of, such as.. pink. I had mine in white.

The DA35AL belongs to Pentax’s “DAL” lines of a more affordable lenses. I think it was the third “cheap” lens released by Pentax, right after the DAL 18-55 & 55-200 combo, and the first of “DAL” prime lenses line. The cost cutting that Pentax did to the DAL lines means all around plastic construction, including in the mount, no QuickShift, and no hood included in the package.
I own 2 DA limited lenses, and also the DA14, so I’m used to a metal bodies and mounts on Pentax primes, but the DA35AL feels solid. It doesn’t wobble, and manual focus is tight. It’s definitely not a replacement for the more expensive DA35 Limited, but for walk around lens, the DA35AL is great! Here’s a sample of my DA35 AL, taken with Pentax K-x