Cloudflared: DoH for your household
2020 continues the big push for DNS over HTTPS (DoH) and DNS over TLS (DoT), two methods of improving the security and privacy of customers of Internet Service Providers (ISP)…
...of musings and ramblings
2020 continues the big push for DNS over HTTPS (DoH) and DNS over TLS (DoT), two methods of improving the security and privacy of customers of Internet Service Providers (ISP)…
There will be time that you have to succumb to things that you’ve been avoiding for the longest of time.. Such as sending bulkmail, either for let say, sending billing…
So my last post talked about setting up an smtp server strictly for the purpose of sending e-mail out. Google sometimes categorizes such server as a bulk sender. Mail servers…
So after i posted a how to on using dnscrypt on ubuntu, a friend of mine asked for a how to of dnscrypt on OSX. I happen to have a…
So recently, my home ISP decided to jump the shark and join the line of Indonesian ISP enforcing the use of their DNS server to their customer, by way of…